personally we do not recommend to any one to wear gems for the purpose of fulfilling their desires and goals. it is myth that by just wearing gems one can not attain luck or fortune. what ever decided in our fate ; it will happen and none can change it.
Yellow Sapphire
Jupiter and Its Gemstone Yellow Sapphire
Jupiter is the largest and heaviest planet in the solar system and the teacher (Guru) of Gods; Jupiter is given the ministership among the assembly of nine planets. The Jupiter is a sattvik and benefitting planet, significator of luck and fortune. The colour of the Jupiter is yellow. Thursday is his days and northeast is his direction. The gemstone related to Jupiter is-the yellow sapphire which is most beneficial to the natives of the Sagittarius and Pisces signs of the zodiac.Yellow sapphire is a mineral. After analyzing chemically it is proved that aluminium, hydrovisil and florin are present in it.
It is found in the Himalayas, Ceylon and Russia. It is weighty, smooth, transparent, and found in many colours - white, light and deep yellow and light orange.
If your Janma lagna is Mesham, Karkataka, Vrichika, Dhanus, Meena ( Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces ) Your lucky gem is Yellow Sapphire.
Blue Sapphire
Saturn and Its Gemstone Blue Sapphire
Saturn is given the post of an attendant in the solar system. According to Linga Puran, Saturn is born from the exuberant light mass of the lord Rudra and according to Markendaya Purana , Saturn was born to Chhaya-the wife of the sun. Its speed is very slow that is why he is called 'Shaneshchar' which means a slow mover. In Indian astrology, Saturn is considered to be a malefic amongst the malefic but its last effect is happy. Throwing man into misfortunes and calamities, the Saturn ultimately saves the man.
He is regarded the strongest of all planets. Saturn rules the owners of the zodiacal signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Blue Sapphire is the gemstone of Saturn. It rules the direction west.Blue sapphire is a gem of Kurundan family. It is found in blue, sky, blue, pink and brinjal colours. If your Janma Lagna is Vrishabham, Midhuna, Tula, Makara ( Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn ); your lucky gem is Blue Sapphire.
Mercury and Its Gemstone Emerald
The planet Mercury is regarded as the prince among the assembly of nine planets. Mercury is the son of the moon by his wife Rohini. In human body Mercury represents wisdom and voice. Mercury is the ruler of two signs of the Zodiac - The Gemini and The Virgo. The gemstone related to the Mercury is Emerald. It is a mineral - a compound of silicate of aluminum beryllium and oxygen. its colour is light, deep green. This gemstone is rare because it is very difficult to find a flawless emerald.
Emerald is a gemstone of green color belonging to the family of beryl gems. Emerald has soothing touch and pleasant sight, which gives peaceful vibrations and captivates the heart. It retains its color and lustre in all kinds of lights and shades. Emerald gemstone is used to counter the ill effects of mercury. If your Janma Lagna is Midhuna, Kanya, Tula, Makaram (Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn) ; your lucky gem is Emeralald.
Sun and Its Gemstone
RubyThe Sun is the ruler of all the planets that rotate around the sun. He represents the fire and creates the day. He is one of the stars of the planetary system. The sun is considered as the soul and the king of all planets. The Gemstone Ruby representing the sun, has reddish purple colour, its nature is bile-dominated and it is the Lord of the direction East.Ruby is a mineral (stone). In terms of chemistry, it is a mixture of Aluminum, Oxygen, Iron and Chromium.
The ruby is found in a variety of crimson and scarlet red colors ranging from pink to a deep ruddy violet color. The ruby gemstone is solid and possesses high specific gravity. The red tint in ruby comes from a light combination of iron and chromium. The finest quality ruby gemstone has a delicate rose color. Ruby gem keeps on affecting the wearer for four years since the very day when it is worn.
If your Janma Lagna is Simham, Vrichikam, Dhanus, Mesham, Vrishabham ( Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries, Taurus ); Your lucky gem is Ruby.
Red Coral
Mars and Its Gemstone
Coral Mars is the commander-in-chief of the assembly of the nine planets. It is also personified as the god of war. It is regarded as a malefic planet in astrology and gives its natives the ability to put their own desires above those of others. It's colour is red and the ruler of the direction - south. On account of its nearness to the earth he is called "Angarak" and the son of the earth. It is the symbol of blood and perseverance in human life. The gemstone related to Mars is Coral and its zodiac signs are the Aries and the Scorpio.
Corals are found in many colours red, scarlet, saffron, pink to vermilion red and white. Its temperament is hot. Coral gemstone creates many virtues like courage, perseverance, capability to face and solve circumstances and problems and enables a man to take risks. On account of being the master gem of the Aries and the Scorpio, coral gem removes obstacles in the way of their fortunes and increases their influences. The men who are either pigeon hearted or defeated by their enemies should wear Coral gemstones. Coral gemstone is also an ideal gem for a happy marital life. If your Janma Lagna is Karkatakam, Simham, Meenam (Cancer, Leo, Pisces) Your lucky gem is Red Coral.
Moon and Its Gemstone
PearlMoon is the presiding deity of the element water, and rules over the tides of the sea. The sphere of the Moon is the reservoir of rainwater and thus Moon is the ruler of plants and the vegetable kingdom. Moon represents the mother or female principle, the energy that creates and preserves. The moon is one of the main sub-planets taking light from the sun, it revolves round the earth scattering its shining light. The colour of Moon is white. Its nature is mucus dominated, tenderhearted, wise and learned.
It rules the peace of mind, comfort, general well being and also the fortune of a person. The gem stone related to Moon is Pearl. Pearl is a kind of stone. It is a compound of calcium and oxygen. Pearl gemstone is regarded a kind of calcium carbonate on the basis of chemical combination. If your Janma lagna is Karkatakam, Tula, Vrichikam, Meenam, Mesham, Midhunam ( Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Aries, Gemini ) ; your lucky gem is Pearl.
Hessonite ( Gomedh )
Rahu and Its Gemstone Hessonite (Gomed)
Like other planets of the solar system Rahu & Ketu are not the mass of light. Some scholars consider them as moon falls (chandrapat), some of them call them shadows of the earth. Some of them call the shadow of the north pole as Rahu and of the south pole as Ketu. In spite of all the above facts, Rahu and of Ketu show their far-fetched influence over the man and all other beings. Therefore Rahu-Ketu's presence can never be ignored.Although Rahu rules no sign of the zodiac the zodiacal sign Virgo is its sign.
Virgo is in fact assigned to Mercury. Zircon (Gomed) is related to Rahu. Its colour is like the colour of cow's urine. It has also the shade of honey tinged with blackish colour. Most of the Astrologers suggesting this stone to reduce the ill effects of Rahu- ketu dosham ( sarpa dosham ). Also, if your birth star is Arudra, Swathi, Satabhisha most of the astrologers are suggesting to wear this Gomedh gem. But in my experience, I observed after wearing this gem no body can get rid of Rahu – ketu dosham and more over they will suffer from additional problems because this gem will strengthen the Rahu who is already a inimical planet in your natal chart.
Cat's Eye
Ketu and Its Gemstone Cat's Eye
Rahu and Ketu are one together. According to 'Shri Bhagwat Puran', the nectar pitcher was one of the things that came out of the sea after it was churned. When the gods and demons clashed to get the nectar , Lord 'Vishnu' formed himself as the most attractive and charming woman Mohini who started to distribute or feed nectar to both of them. A learned demon Rahu, the son of Viparchitti and Shimica saw that Lord Vishnu in the garb of Mohini, was not practicing honesty.
He was infact giving nectar to the gods and wine to the demons. Then he (Rahu) sat among gods in the garb of a god. As soon as he drank the nectar, the Moon and the Sun saw that the demon sitting among them was Rahu. They informed Lord Vishnu who chopped off the neck of the demon but he had become immortal after drinking the nectar. Therefore, both pieces of Rahu ,his head and his remaining body became two separate demons. The head was named Rahu and the remaining body as Ketu. Rahu and Ketu were thrown in opposite directions by the Lord Vishnu. Most of the Astrologers suggesting this stone to reduce the ill effects of ketu dosham. Also if your birth star is Aswini, Makha, Moola most of the Astrologers are suggesting to wear this gem. But in my experience, I observed after wearing this gem no body can get rid of ketu dosham and more over they will suffer from additional problems because this gem will strengthen the Ketu who is already a inimical planet in your natal chart.
Venus and Its Gemstone Diamond
Venus is regarded the brightest planet only after the sun and the moon in the sky. Venus or Shukra is the teacher of demons. He is also allotted the office of a minister in the nine planets Solar system. It is to be said that Lord Shiva imparted the knowledge of making the dead alive (Mrityusanjivini Vidya) to Shukra. Venus (Shukra) is also important because of its association with the science of mantras and medicine, tantra, the casting of spells, hypnotism, mesmerism and alchemy.
It is also called the god of fine arts, love, beauty and attraction. At one side it provides pure maternal love in human life. The gem stone of Venus is the diamond.Diamond, the king of gem abounds in chemical values and it is the most precious mineral. It is famous for its surprising luster, hardness and beauty.
If your Janma Lagna is Kanya, Tula, Makaram, Kumbham ( Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius); your lucky gem is Diamond.
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